By Suchitra Bajpai Chaudhary, Senior ReporterPublished: 17:21 March 8, 2015
Image Credit: Atiq ur Rehman/Gulf News
Ahmad Khalid Hawasli and his wife Jifeng Li with their sons Ryan and Reslan at their residence in Al Nahda. The boys who are going blind need expensive surgery to give them a new lease of life.
Dubai: When twin tragedies struck Dubai residents Khalid Hawasli and his wife Ji Seng Li in the form of a rare disease afflicting both their children, Reslan and Ryan, the only way they decided to deal with the devastating news was to wipe away their tears and fight for the lives of their two children by raising funds for a very expensive surgery that can hope to give them a better quality of life.
Reslan is six-and-a-half years old and Ryan is one-and-a-half years and both have been diagnosed with Zellweger’s disease, a rare genetic condition that affects one in 50,000 children and leads to progressive deterioration and death.
The elder child, Reslan, has lost his vision completely and most of his hearing, he cannot swallow food anymore and has to be fed through a tube connected to his stomach. He has also lost his ability to move and do simple things such as hug his parents who can only do one thing to make him feel good — make him smile as much as they can. Ryan, the younger son, is a happy child who has begun to lose his vision — a natural consequence of Zellweger’s disease.