Teacher, student kidney transplant…
MADISON, Wis. – After a year-and-a-half long mission to save the life of 4-year-old Lyla Carreyn, is nearing an end.
On Wednesday morning, doctors at the American Family Children’s Hospital will give the little girl a life-saving kidney transplant.
“I can’t wait to see all of the milestones she gets to have now,” says Beth Battista, Lyla’s living donor.
A year and a half ago, Lyla became sick at school and her mother, Dena Carreyn, took her to urgent care.
Within minutes, they found themselves in an ambulance and a difficult journey in life.
“Within 15 minutes we were in an ambulance and on our way to Children’s Hospital. The ambulance driver radioed in that they had a 3-year-old in renal failure and that was the first time I knew it was very serious,” says Carreyn.
A nationwide search for suitable kidney donor turned up nothing.
What they didn’t know was the perfect match was sitting across the table from Lyla at school–her teacher.
Battista saw a post on Facebook asking individuals to consider being tested to find a donor match for Lyla.
“Something immediately inside me just said that I need to call in,” says Battista, who tests showed was a match.
“It is a miracle. She was put in my classroom and I was put at this school and it was meant to be,” says Battista.
Lyla was admitted to American Family Children’s Hospital today in advance of Wednesday’s transplant.
But she didn’t get there without some challenges. Last week, she was admitted to the hospital with an infection.
“The last four or five days have been a nightmare,” says Carreyn.
Fortunately, doctors were able to treat Lyla, get her better so she could be cleared for the transplant. For her mom, the transplant represents a chance her daughter to realize a dream.
“Maybe to see her go to college, maybe see her get married, see grandkids,” says Carreyn.
“To get to have that dream back for her is really huge.”
To learn more about becoming a living donor, visit: www.uwhealth.org/livingdonor.
To become a registered organ donor visit: www.donatelifewisconsin.org