Posted: May 14, 2013 2:49 PM Updated: May 14, 2013 4:12 PM
By: Lloyd Sowers, FOX 13 News – bio
TAMPA (FOX 13) –
Garrett Leopold was a newborn baby when we first brought you his story 16 years ago.
Now, he’s a teenager with a story that features medical miracles, but limitations.
Garrett had an infant heart transplant when he was 3 months old. But at age 16, that heart wore out. He underwent his second heart transplant in March.
Doctors say there’s no limit to the number of transplants a person can have, but the supply of donated hearts is limited. As transplants become more common, donor hearts will be in even shorter supply.
Garrett is focusing on life as a normal teenager again. His prognosis is good, but the future is uncertain for transplants, as donated hearts grow harder to find.